
Parata Data, Analytics, and IoT Ideas

PULSE - File Transfer Enhancements

1. Ability to transfer multiple files at once. Currently have to transfer one at a time

2. Direct file transfer from remote machine to local PC instead of to the Pulse cloud. Direct upload also. 

3. Toggle button to turn off auto remote file refresh (similar to refresh toggle on warnings section). Currently when scrolling through a folder with many files it refreshes and you lose your place. 

4. Remote zip(compress) a folder for transfer in file transfer

5. File transfer from PC2

6. Ability to browse all PC files, not just limited folder selection

7. Change file transfer window from a popup to a separate section at he bottom of the same window. Similar to Bomgar Web Console layout.

  • Patrick Duffin
  • Nov 19 2019
  • Attach files