
Parata Data, Analytics, and IoT Ideas

Customer suggestion for MAX software

When adding an unknown NDC to the MAX, provide optional inputs for the cell parameters (height, width, baffle and pressure) at the same time that the drug is added.  Currently you have to add the NDC (name and 30 DRAM capacity), then add the drug to the cell and calibrate the cell. Then when you are done you have to go back into the cell parameters to put in those settings.  Why not have the option to input those settings at the same time that you are adding the name and 30 DRAM capacity?

  • Guest
  • Apr 11 2019
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Jenna May commented
    May 21, 2019 14:44

    This idea should live in the max idea portal. This portal is for IoT only.