
Parata Data, Analytics, and IoT Ideas

Thingworx Data Capture and Comparison II

1. On the PASS Ware workstation: Size of PacmedCore database, and the amount of free disk space remaining on the C: drive.

2. On the PASS Ware workstation: Amount of data being sent and received by the NIC.

3. On the IPC: Amount of free disk space remaining on the C: and D: drives

In the past, the PacmedCore database size would grow to such a size that data would cease to be written to necessary tables during packaging.  Hard drive remaining space and NIC traffic are not as important unless the customers are using their PASS Ware workstations for other things - including downloading and data streaming.  In previous versions of ATDPS, log files were not automatically deleted - resulting in the inability to launch ATDPS when the disc was full.  (This may have have been fixed in the current GA version.)

  • Guest
  • Apr 23 2018
  • Planned
  • Attach files