The max HEPA Hood is huge! Its the biggest box when shipped. Of all the covers, its the biggest and most awkward to take off, put some place while you repair and reinstall. Not to mention the numerous safety hazards to the FSE and Pharmacy Staff when being removed, stored and reinstalled.
Why not cut it in half? Right down the middle. Then there would be a 'capper side' HEPA hood and a "labeler side" HEPA hood. This would save on initial shipping, smaller shipping box. Save on precious Pharmacy space, only take off the side you need to. Faster repairs because its half as many screws to take off. Even faster repairs on the labeler side (think power supply and fan replacement) because you don't have to pull the power cord and Ethernet connections out to remove the HEPA hood! You would only have to pull the "capper side" HEPA hood off the access the UPS and PEM for repairs not the whole hood!
Along with Max 5.X, single PC technology, Make this change to show innovation and product improvement, not just under the hood--But the hood itself! *pun intended*
This is a hardware request. This idea portal is specifically for IoT and data analytics. This idea was forwarded to Craig Davis- PM for vial filling.